…to reach real happiness it is necessary to change our look ( vision) on the world and way of our thinking, and that is not easy at all “. It means to use all the knowligde and informations which are coming to us from different dirrections. You should not think that there is for everything only one magic key, some secret, which you discover out and everything will be good. It is the same as carring your physical body- it needs all different vitamins and nutritions, not only one or two things. The same is when we want to reach the happiness, we need use all kinds of ways, and methods , and go over of all different negative psychical stages. And if you try to go over some difficulties and negative thouhgts, you can not make it just accepting one possive thought or doing some practice only once or two times. THE CHANGES NEEDS SOME TIME – like the changes in the physical body….there are existing many negative thinking (soul) features, and you have to fight them one by one. IT IS NOT EASY and it needs some time and repeating of different ways of thinking or practice techinques, it is a process of learning. ….. “your mind as an ocean depth, even sometimes there can be storm and make the waves on the ocean, there is no any influence of this waves to the depth of the sea, -you can recognize the negative thougts but they stay on the top as the waves, but they desepear very quickly, the depth of the ocean is untouched, there is always peace and happiness”
… you can make it all, but it will not happend during one night … -Dalajlama-